It is not uncommon to hear people refer to themselves as cat people or dog people. Some love both animals, but most people associate with one or the other more strongly. While dogs have been found to be a very therapeutic companion animal with numerous benefits for health and well-being, cats have the same effect on people who gravitate toward cats rather than dogs. Owning a cat has been proven to have a number of benefits to a person’s physical health and mental well-being.
Cats make wonderful pets, and are unique as pets go. Where as a dog is inherently loyal to its master, a cat is reserved in where it places its loyalty. Its personality is nothing like a dog. You have to earn a cat’s respect. This is the quality that many people reject in a pet, but others appreciate it. A cat is far more independent than a dog. Cats largely entertain themselves and typically do not have as great a need for attention. Cats are independent animals and largely suit independent people as pets.
This is not to say that cats do not respond and desire affectionate relationships with their owners. Cats still show enormous love and affection toward their owners, but this behavior is mixed with the independent behavior that cats are known for. Like dogs, cats have been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, increase longevity and lower stress and anxiety in their owners. Cats can be legally licensed as therapy animals for the benefits they have to their owners.
If you or someone you care about is in need of a companion animal that does not require constant attention, consider the rewards of owning a cat. You are bound to find the personality and antics of a cat amusing, enjoyable and lovable. It is true that cats leave footprints on your heart.